How Financial Advisers Can Help You Prepare for Retirement

Retirement Planning

You may be surprised to learn that:

only 44% of Australians over age 40 feel prepared for retirement.

Planning and preparing for retirement should be considered one of the most important things to do as you start to think about the end of your working years or better yet, as early as today. 

First, ask yourself these questions: 

  • What does your ideal retirement look like? 
  • Will you need additional funds for travel and larger expense items? 
  • Will your retirement savings be enough to continue your current lifestyle?

You have worked hard your entire life, and retirement is something you look forward to and enjoy. By planning ahead and having the right financial strategies in place for your retirement, you can ensure you are on right track to gaining financial freedom and achieving your ideal retirement. 

Did you know?

Only 1 in 4 Australians have a long term financial plan

Considering how important retirement is, you may want to seek a financial adviser who understands all your options and the right strategies to help you prepare for retirement. With a plan in place, you can shift your focus to looking forward to spending your retirement years doing the things you love and not worrying about money. 

3 Benefits to Seeking a Financial Adviser and How They Can Help You Prepare for Retirement

1. Get on Track to Achieving Financial Freedom During Your Retirement

While your super is a good place to start when it comes to funding your retirement, you may want to find ways you can boost your retirement savings so you can live more comfortably during your retirement. 

Financial advisers can help you with this, as they will guide you on how best to grow your retirement savings and the best superannuation and investment options 

Here is a FREE guide to Super Contributions and how they could benefit you: ‘A Guide to Superannuation Contributions.’ 

Other strategies may include creating saving plans or expense budgets as well as choosing the best income streams. However, financial strategies should be tailored to your specific needs in life. 

At Prominent Financial Services, they take the time to understand you and your unique needs and financial objectives. This enables them to tailor a financial plan specific to your circumstances to help you achieve these goals. 

”When a client first walks through the door at Prominent they’ll be welcomed into a comfortable and friendly environment. They’ll also leave understanding that their financial affairs have are being managed professionally, ethically, with care, commitment and passion.”

– Christine Swanson

2. Help Manage and eliminate Debt before Retirement

Eliminating your debt before you reach your retirement is ideal. However, it’s understandable that this isn’t always possible, But having a debt management plan in place, no matter what your personal financial situation is, can be a great way to go into retirement well prepared. 

A sound debt management plan can also provide you with comfort, knowing that you will have enough income to cover your living expenses during your retirement. It can also ensure you have sufficient cash flow to cover the additional expenses that bring you enjoyment.

3. Understand Your Options to Transition into Retirement

Ensuring that you have enough money to last your entire retirement is crucial. This can be daunting to navigate on your own. 

It’s important to know what your options are when transitioning from working life to retirement, so you can feel comfortable knowing you have made the right decisions that suit your needs and wants. 

Christine Swanson, a Retirement Specialist in Adelaide, can provide you with tailored financial solutions, to enable you to feel confident that you are on the right path to achieving financial freedom during your golden years! 

Start planning for your retirement today, early preparation provides the best outcomes and avoids the stress of leaving it to the last minute! 

The team at Prominent Financial Services will inform you of all your options when it comes to transitioning to retirement. They can provide you with a tailored retirement plan and guide you through the best strategies to grow your retirement savings to secure your financial future.

Are you looking for help with retirement planning in Adelaide? Let us help you pre-plan your retirement here at Prominent Financial Services. We specialise in financial advice in Adelaide and are passionate about helping people achieve financial success by making smart financial decisions. 

Book a complimentary meeting today!



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